Thursday, July 23, 2009

Good Health / Buena Salud

Everybody knows that we have to fix the broken health system in this country. At least everybody knew this two years ago, when the presidential debates took place. Now it seems that President Barack Obama is the only one who is actually trying to provide a revamped health care system to the country and everyone else is pulling back. What about those millions of people with no medical attention at all, or those who after an accident leave their families completely broke.

Look, I am not saying that Obama makes no mistakes. In my view there is too much politics in his actions like when Chrysler was rebuilt giving the autoworkers a huge piece of the pie when THEY were a BIG part of the problem to start with. Besides that, those experiments with the workers leading companies have always been a complete failure. Workers care about their salaries and have no strategic vision.

But regarding the health system, Obama is right. We need a REAL health system in this country. I think seriously that the government should pay for it if people do not have enough income. Health is not a luxury!

The truth is people are afraid of the "socialist" proposal of having a government-based health insurance to compete with the private sector. Well, let me tell you, this fear does not make any sense at all. Okay, maybe this is not the right time to dedicate big money --that we do not have-- to any big project. But if we are still spending millions in wars in foreign countries, we should afford to spend it in people's health.

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